陕西省土地整治重点实验室( Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation)依托于长安大学与陕西省土地工程建设集团,于2017年12月通过专家论证,2018年1月经陕西省科技厅批准正式立项建设,是国内第一个土地整治领域的省级重点实验室。现任实验室主任为长安大学韩玲教授,郭仁忠院士任现任学术委员会主任委员。实验室围绕土地整治基础理论及其应用,针对陕西省经济建设中土地需求的重大战略问题,确定在土地生态健康机理与评价、土地生态安全的土体有机重构理论与技术、土地整治工程信息化理论与关键技术三个方面展开研究。重点研究土地整治建设中的基础理论、技术方法、应用技术集成和土地整治工程标准化规范化等问题,逐步构建完整的土地整治理论与应用体系,开展士地科技创新,引领学科发展,促进土地工程学科建设,实现土地整治从基础性科学研究到工程技术创新再到科技成果推广应用完整链条的形成。实验室筹建以来,根据自身学科发展的优势和特色,积极投身国家经济建设和社会发展主战场,参加和承担了一大批基础、应用基础和关键技术攻关项目以及科技成果转化型项目。
实验室在集中长安大学与陕西省土地工程建设集团优势人才资源的基础上,进一步向海内外招聘优秀人才。实验室现有固定研究人员56人,其中长安大学40人,陕西省土地工程建设集团16人。形成了以中国工程院院士、国家“杰青”获得者、科技中国年度人物获奖者、教育部“长江学者”、中组部 “千人计划”入选者、陕西省“百人计划”入选者、国土资源科技创新团队核心成员为学术方向带头人、一批年富力强的中青年学术骨干、有海外留学背景的青年教师为中坚力量的研究队伍。
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation, depended on Chang'anUniversity and Shaanxi provincial land engineering construction group, was formally promoted to aprovincial level key laboratory in January, 2018. granted by Shaanxi province science and technologygovernment department. As the first provincial key laboratory in the field of land reclamationengineering, LRL is currently primary research institution in China carrying out land reclamationresearch
LRL consists of 56 researchers, among them there are 40 members from Chang'an University, andthe other 16 members from Shaanxi provincial land engineering construction group. LRL includes thebranches as follows: Basic Laboratory, Laboratory Center of Water and Soil Circulation Mechanism inthe Dry and Semi-arid Areas, Laboratory Center of Soil Organic Materials, Laboratory Center of LandPollution and Rehabilitation, Analysis Center of Land Large Data, Material Test Center of TrafficPavement and Urban Green Building, Core Area of Land Organic Reconstruction and 5 fieldobservation and research stations located in different types of land in Shaanxi, such as Mu Us Desert inYulin, Lubotan in Fuping, Xu Zhuang in Chengcheng, Yangjuangou in Yanan and Bailongjian inHuayin.
LRL is dedicated to cutting-edge research in the fields of Shaanxi province land use, emphasizingfundamental and interdisciplinary research, and utilizing technological innovation, LRL's focus is onthe theory of the land reclamation and its interactions with the development of the land engineeringdiscipline.The research scopes are outlined as follows:
Scope 1:Land Ecological Health Mechanism and EvaluationScope 2: Land Organic Reconstruction Technologies Based on the Land Ecological SecurityScope 3: Land Reclamation Engineering Information and the Key Technologies.